
Media Recommendations

I do like many things, so here's some media recs!



Undertale is a video game released by Toby Fox where you play as a human child in the underground, which is where a kingdom full of monsters reside! Undertale as an RPG has many themes and explores consequence, discrimination, friendship and inclusivity - if you look at it enough, you'll see the different lessons this game teaches. Of course, this is just my interpretation, but this game really did teach me loads.

This silly game with silly dialogue about mushroom dances and expensive spider-pastries and tem flakes - this whimsical and comedic game with jokes scattered everywhere - has been the subject of my obsession for the past 4 years. Reaching 5 years, as 2025 approaches. Undertale changed my life in ways I can't even begin to explain, it's brought me endless joy and I would recommend this game to anyone in search of nirvana and ecstasy.

perhaps the most memorable quote from Undertale is "Despite everything, It's still you." reminding the player that even after this long journey, you have not morphed into another person, that you're still the person we all love.

Image of the player chracter interacting with a mushroom NPC, which responds with 'Mushroom dance Mushroom dance Whatever could it mean'
